February 2013


Webb Creek Utility District


Friday, February 1st, 2013


Commissioners Present

Robert Vick, President
Steven McCarter, Vice President
Delmar Ball, Secretary

In Attendance

James Sunstein, District Manager (Staff)
Janice Fenoglio, Assistant Manager (Staff)

Mr. Vick called the February Board of Commissioners meeting of WCUD to order at 10:20 a.m. at the district office 3625 Lindsey Mill Road, Gatlinburg.

Motion to approve agenda made by Mr. Ball seconded by Mr. McCarter and passed.

Mrs. Fenoglio reported that the County Mayor Larry Waters had still not responded regarding the appointment of the Commissioner to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Jim Gass, Attorney for the district has submitted a letter stating in his opinion since there was no action by the County Mayor within the (21 days) as allotted the appointment goes to the top name chosen by the Board of Commissioners which was Robert Vick.  Mr. Vick’s term will be from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2016.  Copy of letter attached.

Oath of office administered to Mr. Vick by Mrs. Fenoglio, copy is attached.

Motion made by Mr. McCarter that Mr. Ball remains Secretary, seconded by Mr. Vick and passed.

Motion by Mr. Ball that Mr. McCarter become President of the Board of Commissioners seconded by Mr. Vick and passed.

Motion by Mr. McCarter that Mr. Vick takes the Vice President position, seconded by Mr. Ball and passed.

Outdoor Resorts did not have a representative present.

Mrs. Fenoglio stated that Mr. Gass had submitted a letter stating regarding the Bent Creek, Outdoor Resorts rate challenges our attorney will be attempt to schedule a meeting with their legal counsel to discuss the rate challenges.  The deadline for reaching an agreement will be June 6, 2013 the Utility Management Review Board’s (UMRB) meeting.  Should an agreement not be reached the parties will present their positions to the UMRB on June 6, 2013 and that body will make a decision about our rates.

Motion by Mr. McCarter to approve the January 2013 minutes with changes seconded by Mr. Ball and passed.

Mr. Sunstein reported the water loss for January 2013 was 43.7%, 1,361,185 gallon there was a major leak located and repaired on Golf Creek Road.

The recorder located in the pump station on Deer Path Lane was burned out due to a power surge on January 10, 2013.  The cost to replace the recorder is $1727.00.  Cincinnati Insurance Companies have investigated the claim; everything is covered under the district’s policy.

Mr. Sunstein reported he is checking on the purchase of the ultrasonic level gauge for the 300,000 gallon water storage tank.

Fire hydrant located on St. Andrews way has become inoperable.  Under district policy management has the authority to dispose of inoperable hydrants.  The purpose of removing the hydrant is to make sure there is no line leakage because the district is not in the fire protection business.

Outdoor Resorts January 2013 flow 1,577,254 gallons.

Mrs. Fenoglio reported that the 2012 audit by Pugh and Company is completed.

All documents have been resubmitted to Mr. Ron Queen, Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of State and Local Finance regarding the $150,000. loan.

Mr. Vick questioned on the Mr. Queens status?

Mr. Vick stated that at the March meeting there needs to be a decision on the amount of money to borrow and the projects the district anticipates completing with the funds.

Mr. Vick also stated we needed to address ORA and the 37% discount they are receiving if their flow is equivalent to a residential customer according to the latest rate study.  After discussion Mrs. Fenoglio to request Mr. McGill and Mr. Gass be present at the March meeting to discuss the ORA rate structure.

Mr. Sunstein to get with Mr. McGill regarding an estimate on the Butler Branch water project.

Mr. McCarter had no official report.

Mr. Ball stated that all employee grievances should be handled through the district manager.

Mr. McCarter stated the Board of Commissioners will handle the situations is they have to but they expect Mr. Sunstein to handle all employee issues.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Mr. Ball, seconded by Mr. Vick and passed at 12:18 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janice Fenoglio
Assistant Manager